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Corrupt Communication

Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas! By the time you get this newsletter, Thanksgiving will probably be over, but Christmas is right around the corner! So, keep Christ central in the celebration of His birth, and rejoice in the goodness of God as we celebrate with truly thankful hearts, this country and the blessings of His liberty we experience!

There is however, a topic that has been occupying my mind for quite a while, and it has to do with the corruption of our speech. This trend has been distressing me for a few years now and there doesn’t seem to be a “letting up” to it, but rather, it seems to be getting worse. When I say our “language,” I’m not referring to the dumbing down of the meanings of words, but rather the acceptance of vulgarity as a common means of communication. It’s everywhere from media, to politicians, to everyday speech. Public speakers are now using “regular” curse words in speeches before dignitaries, and in the presence of children.

Most troubling, however, is the language coming from the mouths of “Christians.” People who say they are “born again,” are choosing to wallow in the language of the dead, for that is what curse words are: the language of dead men. That is what Ephesians 2:1 says we were, “dead in our trespasses and sin.” I Peter 2:24 tells us, “Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.” We were healed of sin, so why do we find it necessary to return to the disease that brings about our death? Why has it become OK in this society to use whatever language we choose to, at any venue, around any people? Why have we begun to believe it is perfectly fine to speak to our children using the harsh metaphors of the gutter? Do Christians no longer understand what it means to “Live for righteousness” as I Peter says?

Look at Mark 14:71. When Peter is confronted as being a disciple of Jesus Christ “… he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.” When Peter wanted to “prove” he didn’t know Jesus, what did he do? He cursed! Why would Peter do that? What better evidence could there be that one was not a follower of Jesus than to cuss everybody out? Listen, this is coming from a man who struggles every day not to use bad language! It is sooooo easy to do! I also enjoy humor, and a perfectly timed bad word can elicit tremendous laughter from an audience! Listen to President Elect Trump’s speech at his Green Bay, Wisconsin rally when he mentions attempting to get into the garbage truck. It’s funny, but it cements in the minds of everyone present, bad language is OK, and we shouldn’t expect better from those seeking the highest office in the land.

I do not believe President Elect Trump is a Born-Again Believer in Jesus Christ. No one who is not Born Again has the Spirit of God living within them, guiding them in their thoughts, their actions, the words they choose to use. But I am Born-Again! I must show Christ living in me! The same goes for all those who are genuinely Children of God! Those who have been purchased by the Holy, and Pure Blood of His only Son, Jesus, must remember: He brought us out of that death! Surely, we don’t want to get back in it, nor give an example to the children around us that cursing, filthy talk, vile language, is just the way people are. Christians, we are people of holiness. We are people of Christ. We are people whom Christ gave His life for! Let’s not dishonor His sacrifice with the “harmless” sin of cursing!

Scripture says, “Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers,” Ephesians 4:29. It also says in James 3:9, 10, “Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” Could it be much clearer?

We cannot stop the advent of sin in our world. Scripture says, “evil men will grow worse and worse.” We can, however, stop ourselves from practicing the bad habits and actions of our former selves. Pray the Church will rise above sin and live in the holiness God demands. Then perhaps there will be a noticeable change in our culture.

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